
Edudata Canada is a research and software centre located in the Faculty of Education at The University of British Columbia.

Advisory Committee

  • Dr. John Anderson, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Education, University of Victoria.
  • Jacquie Taylor, CEO of Decoda Literacy Solutions. Jacquie was Superintendent in School District #33 (Chilliwack) and subsequently the Ministry of Education Superintendent of Literacy.
  • Dr. Anthony Clarke, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, UBC.
  • Dr. Tim Oberlander, Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) Senior Clinician Scientist, CFRI Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, UBC.
  • Dr. Jim Anderson, Professor, Department of Language and Literacy, Faculty of Education, UBC.

Contact us for information about our data, research and software services.